Gladys turns 60 years Young

Just like that, a 60th birthday snuck up.  I don't know how it feels to be 60 as I'm still trying to survive my 30's juggling two kidlets and a hockey life two provinces away from my hometown. I'm thinking after juggling her own life with kids, a career and everything else life threw her way - NOW being retired, travelling away for the winter and spoiling your grandkids rotten, 60 sounds pretty darn good.

I can only try to imagine the gratitude and appreciation that "Gladys/Mom/Baba" has at this point in her life.
She is married to the same man for the past 38 years. Tuesday is movie night, and they still make a date to go and see one. She has close and amazing relationships with her sisters, one only lives a few blocks away but that's not what I meant by close.  She has long & lasting friendships - happy hour never expires.  She has raised two AMAZING children and now breaks all of the parenting rules while spending time with her grandchildren.  She is RETIRED and enjoys life choosing how to spend her time.

Pictures speak louder than words:
Family christmas.
Tropical vacation.
European vacation.
Vegas vacation.
Wakaw Lake.
Newborn baby.

Happy Birthday Mom.